Monday, June 22, 2009

Refinery Service 6/21/09

Mike G. and the youth ministry team were out this week as they traveled to Pittsburgh, PA to serve Christ on a work-camp mission trip. Please be praying for them as they are still out serving throughout the rest of this week.
Since Mike was gone, we were blessed to have our very own Sam Main preach this week and deliver the message to us that God had laid on his heart. If you missed it, or wanted to enjoy it again, please make sure to listen by clicking the link below.
Also, we hope all the fathers had a wonderful father's day.

Opening Songs:
Doxology - Chainbreaker
All Who Are Thirsty

Sam Main

Closing Songs:
Love Is Here
Sweetly Broken

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Refinery Service 6/14/09

Opening Songs:
I Am Free
God Of Wonders

Mike and Beth Gianopulos answer the congregations questions (randomly drawn from the question box)

Closing Song:
Let Everything That Has Breath

Monday, June 15, 2009

Download Now Available!!!

Hey Everyone,
A few of you have asked if there would be any way to download the files to put on your IPod, or other listening device. With the new format we've enacted this past week, you can. All you have to do is "right click" on the link for the song and select "Save Link As". Then just save the .mp3 file to your hard drive and put it on your favorite player. It's as simple as that. If you have any other questions just post a comment on this post and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Also, for all you podcasters out there, we will be posting the songs and sermons as podcasts very soon. This way you can simply subscribe to the podcast and all the music and sermons will be automatically downloaded to your PC for use. I will give out details on how to subscribe as soon as we've got it set up appropriately.

Thanks and enjoy

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Refinery Service 6/7/09

So, we're trying things a bit differently this time. Click the links below to hear the songs and sermon for this past week.


Opening Songs:
True Love
Who Am I

"What Do You Want Me To Do For You"
(Mark 10:46-52)

Closing Song:
Open The Eyes Of My Heart

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Refinery Service 5/31/09

This week's Refinery Service was totally different. It was a great blessing to have Tie Breaker (MSBC's youth worship band) lead worship and have Mike Willard preach at our 11am Refinery Service. I pray you enjoy this as much as we did.

Opening Songs:

Jesus Messiah

You Are God Alone

We Fall Down

"What Do You Want Me To Do For You?"

Closing Song:
We Will Sing Sing Sing